Western Wall, Jerusalem
 Western Wall
 Western Wall bar mitzvah. Women watch the ceremony from the mechitza, the divider separating the men’s and women’s prayer sections at the Wall.
 Western Wall bar mitzvah (boy hiding)
 Dome of the Rock  Tradition says the Prophet Muhammad, Islam’s founder, ascended into heaven from this spot during his Night Journey where he met God and some of the prophets, including Moses and Jesus. The Dome and the adjacent Al-Aqsa Mosque on th
 The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City encompasses what’s believed to be where Jesus Christ was crucified and buried. The edicule (“little house”) in the foreground is built over the tomb traditionally held
 Ethiopian Orthodox chapel within the the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Church is shared and administered by five Christian denominations: Greek Orthodox; Roman Catholics; Armenian Orthodox; Egyptian Copts and Syriac Orthodox. The Ethiopians have
 Sts. James Cathedral, a 12th-century Armenian Orthodox church in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City. According to tradition, the cathedral contains the head of James, one of the 12 apostles (his body is believed to be in the
 Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, built on the site that tradition says the angel Gabriel told Mary she was chosen to deliver a special package. Nazareth, in northern Israel’s Galilee region, is the country’s largest Arab city (pop. 75,000-plu
 Jerusalem’s ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood of Mea Shearim.
 Mea Shearim
 Reading the pashkevils in Mea Shearim. Pashkevils are wall posters dealing with political, religious and societal issues. Ultra-orthodox Haredim generally eschew modern communications, so pashkevils serve as their mass media and are instruments in s
 Mea Shearim pashkevils
 Mea Shearim
 Mea Shearim
 This man in Mea Shearim told me the apocalypse, the third Temple and the Messiah were coming within a year.
 This artwork in an East Jerusalem restaurant represents the dream of many (most? all?) Palestinians of a homeland without Israel.
 West Bank
 Separation Wall in Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank    Israel began building the Wall in 2002 for what it said were security reasons to thwart the rash of attacks against Israelis during the Second Intifada uprising. Upon completion it will be ro
 Palestinian women at the Separation Wall in Bethlehem
 Judean Desert as it descends toward the Dead Sea, the lowest place on Earth at a depth of about 1,400 feet below sea level..
 Dead Sea mud bath
 Frishman Beach in Tel Aviv
 Frishman Beach
 Rothschild Blvd. in Tel Aviv
 Cinema Hotel is one of a large number of Bauhaus-style buildings built in Tel Aviv in the ‘30s and ‘40s marked by white (or white-ish) facades and rounded balconies. These and other white modernist structures make up Tel Aviv’s “White City,” a UNESC
 Florentin, Tel Aviv’s bohemian neighborhood
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